Documentation for Edgeware Validator Requirements and Resource Consumption?


I am looking for documentation on the current requirements for becoming an Edgeware validator. Specifically, I am interested in the RAM and disk consumption needed to run a validator node. Can anyone point me in the right direction or provide any insights on this topic? Thank you in advance.

Answers 1

If you're looking to set up a validator for Edgeware, you can find a helpful guide at It's recommended that you have at least 2GB of RAM and use Ubuntu 18.04 x64. If you plan on running an archive node, keep in mind that the archive chain is over 100GB, so you'll need extra storage for chain growth. However, if you don't want to run an archive node, you can use the --pruning=1000 and --unsafe-pruning flags. Additionally, the Polkadot docs at can also be helpful.